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Congrats, you’ve been offered the job!  现在? Learn how to approach salary during an interview and when offered a job. 这 presentation will discuss how to determine your worth, 要求加薪, and evaluate a total benefits pack年龄 when negotiating a salary offer. 











LGBTQ Flyer showing events for October 2023





F-M Pride will take place this year from August 10th-13th. 请访问ffpride.com/events/ for more information. M State will be at Pride in the 公园 on August 12th. 我们希望在那里见到你!



六月十九日(六月节), 这是纪念南北战争结束后美国奴隶制结束的联邦假日, will be celebrated this year on June 17 and 19 in the Fargo-学习 area.

On Saturday, June 17, a community event will take place from 1-7 p.m. 北达科他州立大学文艺复兴大厅(北太平洋大道650号). Fargo). On Monday, June 19, a Film and Arts Festival will be held from 4-8 p.m. at the Hjemkomst Center (202 First Ave. N. 在学习).

加入我们,我们用教育、娱乐、虚拟现实、艺术和志愿服务来庆祝六月节. 我们希望在那里见到你!



America's Black Holocaust Museum (ABHM) was founded in 1988 by Dr. James Cameron (pictured above), the only known survivor of a lynching. The ABHM st艺术ed out as a storefront in Milwaukee, Wisconsin that attracted many local, 国家, 国际游客. 然而,对于博士. 2006年卡梅伦去世,2008年经济衰退,英国皇家博物馆不得不关门. It eventually found its new home online in 2012. The online experience allows for anyone, anywhere to access the cutting-edge, 互动, and unique virtual museum and its 教育al resources.  

For more information and ways to celebrate freedom, 家庭, 艺术, 文化, 和社区, please visit ABHM for their virtual museum and online exhibits at http://www.abhmuseum.org/about/.

克里斯蒂。古利特 event banner graphic




WIISHKOBIZI NIBI IKWE(像水中的女人一样甜美)是我的土著名字, and my English name is 克里斯蒂。古利特. I am a tribally enrolled member of the Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa. 我为文化保护和教育而努力,我很感激我试图过我的传统生活方式,并把它教给我的家人. 也, 我同样感谢Wanbli Ishnala Win/Anna Littleghost收养了我,感谢我经历了包括圣丹斯电影节在内的人生必经之路, 寻梦, 命名仪式, 等. I love teaching Indigenous Dreamcatchers classes, 传统的节流门, 音乐与冥想, 和油炸面包烹饪课程! I have lived in the Fargo-学习 area my whole life, except for four years when I moved to Devils Lake, N.D. 在Wanbli Ishnala Win/Anna littlehost的指导下,指导如何进行妇女的传统土著仪式/教学.


A live 会话 with 克里斯蒂。古利特 will be held from 11 a.m. 到1p.m. on the 学习 campus in room A115 (Oscar Bergos).

The 会话 will also be available in real time, 通过放大, to students on all four campuses, 在以下房间: E105 in 底特律的湖泊; S446 in 费格斯瀑布; and S9 in Wadena. 






Live and in-person in the East Commons on the 学习 campus on Tuesday, 11月15日中午至下午2点.m.

The 会话 will also be available in real time, 通过放大, to students on all four campuses, 在以下房间: 底特律的湖泊 (Room G111) • 费格斯瀑布 (Room L150) • Wadena (Room M33).



Amanda Littauer joined us 通过放大 to present 2023年的女权主义: Where are we, and how did we get here?. Amanda Littauer earned her PhD in History with a Certificate in Women's, 性别, 她现在是北伊利诺伊大学的副教授,同时在历史系和女性研究中心任职, 性别, 和性. 她是……的作者 Bad Girls: Young Women, Sex, and Rebellion Before the Sixties (UNC Press 2015),目前正在写关于酷儿青年历史的第二本书. Her institutional service focuses on Diversity, 股本, 和包容, and she is a past chair of the 国家 Committee on LGBTQ History. 

这 会话 was live streamed 通过放大 to all four campuses. It was also recorded and that recording can be viewed via http://minnstate.变焦.我们/休闲/分享/ DaCX7RN5X6iiuFzOf-r5ix0RO8rZ5acAMopa_kxBNmflvLTmGHm7SUBbjWuL2sVr.YnGwdpDV0lV0lqkx.  



米切尔Dr. Joseph 米切尔通过Zoom加入我们,讨论宗教对美国黑人历史的影响.

这 会话 was live streamed 通过放大 to all four campuses. It was also recorded and that recording can be viewed via 





乔斯林桑塔纳, 明尼苏达州立社区与技术学院公平与包容学院院长, presented a 会话 on microaggressions and how to man年龄 hot moments. Jocelyn在这一领域有着丰富的背景和20多年的经验, 教育, 和研究.

这 会话 was live streamed 通过放大 to all four campuses. It was also recorded and that recording can viewed via Microaggressions - MediaSpace > 明尼苏达州 (minnstate.edu).






Ted 威廉姆斯 III, professor, actor, and producer of 1619年:一个民族的旅程 与我们一起通过Zoom为大家呈现“梦想之后:美国的教育与民权”.   会话 focused on the Civil Rights Movement, 种族歧视问题, economic and social inequalities, 以及如何实现公平的目标, 股本, and access in 教育al institutions can be achieved.

The 会话 was live streamed 通过放大 to all four campuses. It was also recorded and that recording can be viewed via http://minnstate.变焦.我们/休闲/分享/ io_N7ewEhoBWGVReWpvtvZSBmNXyLb4MoX3rLUVM-wmwoe5o_jh_6CB2BC_1VV6 -.bjJgdlIZqEQtuXZ2.




Dr. 约瑟夫·弗林, 副教授, 通过Zoom加入我们,讨论学术和学生事务的包容性实践. Dr. 弗林关注的领域是 教育、政治、媒体和流行文化领域的种族和社会正义问题.

The 会话 was live streamed 通过放大 on all four campuses. The 会话 was recorded and can be viewed via Dr. 约瑟夫·弗林 - MediaSpace > 明尼苏达州 (minnstate.edu)





小姐 小姐 Hermes通过Zoom与我们分享了Albert Honeycutt王子的历史, a Black Civil War veteran and 费格斯瀑布 resident, and the “First 85” Black Americans to move to 费格斯瀑布. 

 The 会话 was held 通过放大 for all four campuses. The 会话 was recorded and can be viewed at: 

http://minnstate.变焦.我们/休闲/分享/ iZO9n8vD9SXwSYQF1ZcrVA_CcDc46x_PKlgXoT2E5zLNgfgeEAQ2cIYxJYtrt_DA.KffMyuVyu3ZYenmX





J Pappas (they/them/theirs) likes to say that they are professionally Queer.

自2017年以来,他们一直在设计和促进有关酷儿主题的教育研讨会和内容, and have been an 开放 member of the LGBTQ+ community since 2015. 他们为社会正义所做的所有工作都以某种方式回到了他们作为酷儿群体成员的专业和生活经历中.

以关怀为基础的, 反暴力, 反压迫和反种族主义, 在关于LGBTQ+包容性的对话中,J的工作优先考虑了我们社会中最边缘化群体的声音, 公平正义.

现场会议在摩尔黑德校区举行,可以实时观看, 通过放大, to students on all four campuses. The 会话 was recorded and can be viewed at: http://minnstate.变焦.我们/休闲/分享/ 3 pk4cuvclq44o-kpgk15o0j1tm89t9jhtq37agjzpcdg2xofx_huzoobowoegdad.2 dzb-w5ul8veeekb. An audio transcript can be found at: http://minnstate.变焦.我们/休闲/分享/ Ekr6H9G2Kyx7fFLUslEuEI_hrx7vTk6DWyA1YdF8DO_9mvVcTKRuErLqj7Yy4LCU.0 g24yi9lvoiz37ur




The coming out stories of Red River Rainbow Seniors.

Red River Rainbow Seniors provides advocacy, 教育, support and fun to the elder LGBTQ community in the Red River Valley. 该组织成立于2017年,旨在为老年同性恋者提供一个友好、安全的聚会和社交环境. 欲知详情,请浏览 脸谱网.com/RRRainbowSeniors.

现场会议在摩尔黑德校区举行,可以实时观看, 通过放大, to students on all four campuses. The 会话 was recorded and can be viewed at:

http://minnstate.变焦.我们/休闲/分享/ Zr60cABDmKiH94JyNMFVNPuNjm2J936AcjxYv5w8wLbmXvC0Z4zDnAaOajnalcnC.ZRPk4_Rb1fqZxeor. An audio transcript can be found at: http://minnstate.变焦.我们/休闲/分享/ O58Hcqm6qsGWqjR3lacJjzo6AZXDZKWtJDg8A82AX_loQ-xNJVdgbHU4UHTyf9nj.k-uoK3eInbCVo9Gs




From 首页lessness to 首页, with Freddy Shegog.

Frederick Shegog于9月中旬在费格斯瀑布和学习校园现场分享了他作为无家可归和吸毒幸存者的经历,并倡导人们的基本需求, 心理健康和康复. 

The recordings for these 会话s can be found on M State LIVE by clicking on the link for 脸谱网 Live. One of these 会话s can be viewed via http://www.Facebook.com/MStateCollege/videos/605101317988822.



平等和包容办公室协调项目,并协助M州社区成员之间关于平等和文化理解的对话. 我们赋予学生权力, 教师, 工作人员和管理人员探索对多种形式的多样性有更深的理解和尊重. That extends to everyone regardless of religion, 比赛, 种族, 性别, 年龄, 性取向, 社会经济地位, physical ability and 国家 or regional origin.

M州是其中的参与者 设计公平, 共同努力,致力于促进明尼苏达州立大学学生学业成功的更大公平. 设计公平体现了我们对促进公平、多样性和包容性的承诺.

公平与包容办公室 新型冠状病毒肺炎 Statement


  • We assist in cultivating campus understanding of diversity and inclusion.
  • 我们与学生合作, 教师, 工作人员和管理人员制定计划,在我们的校园里教育和培养一个包容和热情的环境.


跟着我们继续 Instagram or 脸谱网 去见OEI的工作人员, get information on upcoming events, and get updates on the latest diversity, 公平和包容措施.



  1. 对差异持开放态度 分享你的背景是如何影响你的,并鼓励其他人也这样做
  2. 问问题—— Ask respectfully if you have a question.
  3. 〇鼓励提问 对那些让你与众不同的问题持开放态度,并以提问作为回应.
  4. 〇培养友谊 分享经验和问问题是发展新友谊的好方法.
  5. 〇看个人 要明白,每个人都是独立的个体,不能指望他们代表自己的文化. 不要假设一个文化中的每个人都有相同的信仰和经历.


 Your contacts for the 公平与包容办公室




Associate Director of 公平与包容