
明尼苏达州立社区和技术学院 made good on its promise to perform “20件善举” in honor of the college’s 20th anniversary.

从节日钟声到社区献血活动, 为医院病人制作毯子,为食品储藏室筹款, M州立学生, staff and faculty had by this posting in late January already planned or hosted more than 20 special events and activities to raise awareness and donations for charitable causes, 还有将近一半的学年就要结束了.

“We owe our strength and success as a college today to the support and generosity of our communities, 因此,在庆祝这一里程碑式的周年纪念日时,我们应该把重点放在回馈社会上, 作为一种表达“谢谢”的方式,’”M State主席卡丽·布里姆霍尔说. “我很自豪地说,我们的学生, 教职员工奋起应对, embracing ‘20件善举’ with enthusiasm and really putting their hearts and energy into it.”

M州立学生, staff and faculty are significant supporters of community causes even in non-anniversary years, 贡献了3美元.志愿服务每年为国家经济贡献300万美元, 能源和捐赠(由明尼苏达州立大学系统报告).

“我们支持更大的社区,就像更大的社区支持我们一样,”布里姆霍尔说. “Our college and the people who work and study here are deeply invested in the success of the community, 并希望看到该地区的繁荣.”

The “20件善举” initiative began at the start of the school year and is ongoing through the spring semester. 这些行动在规模和范围上各不相同,但都支持良好的事业.

Following are pictures and summaries of 20 events and activities that had either taken place by the end of January or were planned to take place before the end of the academic year. 这个清单并不详尽, 还有很多其他的好作品, but it is demonstrative of the types of kindnesses that have been performed by M州立学生, 教职员工.


1) 11月不刮胡子


M State’s College 社会工作者 and Hunger Council organized a collegewide “11月无剃须” event, 是什么鼓励了校园社区, “扔掉修剪器,让它生长!“捐款20美元, 大学里的任何人都可以资助学生, 员工或教职员工在11月之前留胡子或留胡子. 有创意的胡须设计受到欢呼, 照片被贴在了学院的社交媒体页面上,标签是#mstatenoshave. 这一努力旨在提高人们对身心健康的认识, 并与大发彩票平台校园橱柜为期一个月的食品活动一起举行.

2) Wadena护理俱乐部献血活动


Five volunteer students from the Wadena Nursing Club collected blood donations for the Red Cross at the M State campus in Wadena on October 24. 有54名献血者,其中35人是第一次献血. 该俱乐部计划每年秋天继续在校园里举行献血活动, 明年的活动特别针对退伍军人.


Volunteers from M State helped set up hundreds of American flags around the 费格斯瀑布 community in honor of military veterans on 退伍军人 Day. The patriotic display was set up first thing in the morning so the flags could fly all day before being taken down later that evening.



The M State Auto Club in 学习 joined 提前修复 Ministry in late October to help repair donated vehicles for people in need of transportation. “提前修复”计划以零成本提供这些车辆. Students worked alongside 提前修复 volunteers to prepare a number of donated cars for the road.


学习 Campus Student Life held a blood drive for Vitalant at the M State-学习 campus on November 8. 来自学生会和其他校园社团的8名学生自愿参加了这次活动, 这带来了22名献血者, 包括9名第一次. 另一场献血活动计划于3月8日在校园内举行.


The M State Student Nurse Association in 底特律的湖泊 held a fall donation drive for Lakes Crisis & 资源中心. 该小组收集了床枕等家庭用品, 浴巾, 小型厨房用具, 银器和不易碎的盘子, 以及整个11月的一些不太常用的童装.


还有给危机中心的捐款活动, the M State Student Nurse Association in 底特律的湖泊 held a Fall Food Drive for the Becker County Food Pantry, 收集罐头食品, 卫生用品和尿布. 捐款截止到12月11日. 1.

8) '挖粉红色'

挖粉红色 2023

The M State Spartan Volleyball team hosted “挖粉红色” during their final home game of the regular season on October 20. 捐款是为了支持乳腺癌宣传月, 所得款项将捐给弗格斯福尔斯癌症中心, 比赛现场还提供了数量有限的免费粉色t恤.



在四个校区的每一个校区, 大发彩票平台校长Carrie Brimhall为学生们带来了免费的披萨, 花一个下午的时间和他们聊天,分享一块面包. 和总统一起吃披萨是布里姆霍尔喜欢做的一项半定期活动, 为了乐趣和联系.



12月初, the Nursing Student Organization in 学习 made tie blankets and donated them to Sanford Health for use by patients and their families.





关于 a dozen Wadena Nursing Club students dressed in their '80s best to volunteer for the HERO Foundation's fall fundraising event in Fargo. HERO (Healthcare Equipment Recycling Organization) collects and distributes donated healthcare supplies to those in need. 今年活动的主题是“80年代,8万美元”."



A group of M State Early Childhood students helped the staff at 水獭湾 Children's Museum in 费格斯瀑布 make ornaments during the community's Over the River Holiday Festival on Dec. 4.



M State-费格斯瀑布 students read to kids at McKinley Elementary in 费格斯瀑布 this past fall, 在Kiwanis俱乐部的帮助下.



Volunteers from M State were seen ringing bells in red aprons and chatting with customers outside storefronts across the region this holiday season as participants in the Salvation Army's iconic annual fundraiser.


M State employees donated thousands of dollars to help students in need as part of this year's two separate Employee Giving Campaigns. 底特律湖、摩尔黑德和瓦迪纳校区的竞选活动是由M州立基金会组织的 & 校友, 筹集的资金将进入M州承诺基金, which college social workers use to help students with unexpected expenses that may inhibit their ability to stay in school, 比如医药费, 车辆维修, 儿童保育或食物. 费格斯瀑布校区的活动是由费格斯地区学院基金会组织的, 给有需要的学生提供资金和高需求奖学金, 课程和学生活动.



在12月初的期末考试周, M State's 成功的航海家 decided to relieve some student stress and stir up some fun by hiding little toy ducks around the 学习 campus for students to find and collect. 隐藏的“好运鸭”很快成为校园里最热门的话题之一, 深受学生和教职员的欢迎. 


提倡多动/少坐, 今年春天,大发彩票平台将举办一项名为Walk the Walk的员工健康挑战. 该学院自2018年以来一直举办这项年度挑战, offering weekly prizes and other incentives to participating employees as they strive to walk 204 miles (the distance between the college's four campuses) in six weeks.


鉴于2月份是全国儿童牙齿健康月, 摩尔黑德校园牙科项目参与了“给孩子一个微笑”活动, a nationwide initiative to provide free dental treatment to children who otherwise may not receive dental care. 今年的活动将于2月7日上午9点开始举行.m. 到下午4点.m. 所有牙科辅助和口腔卫生专业的学生和教师都将参加, 提供x射线, 做一, 密封剂, 免费提供口腔卫生指导和氟化物治疗. 他们会尽可能让孩子们玩得开心, 有个小照相亭, 气球, 有趣的音乐播放, 每个孩子都有糖果袋.



This beloved 18-year annual tradition on the 费格斯瀑布 campus will return this April for another year of creative fundraising for the Salvation Army. 四月举行, Empty Bowls brings area potters together to handcraft hundreds of one-of-a-kind ceramic bowls, which are then individually purchased for a $20 donation and filled with soup during a lunchtime fundraiser. 空碗是由M州立美术系主办的,已经筹集了超过71美元,在救世军的历史上.

20) 1000辆自行车存放处

在DL - 20的善举中有1000辆自行车

M State's 底特律的湖泊 campus worked with the local Boys and Girls Club to provide free temporary storage space for 1,捐赠的000辆自行车. 这些自行车是今年早些时候用半卡车运到这个社区的, 从双城慈善组织运来的. They spent months on campus while undergoing minor repair work in preparation for finding new homes.